Kanak Nengone (2024)

A unifying tool between Kanak and French culture

‘In these difficult times in New Caledonia, we see this publication as a way of bringing together Kanak and French culture. What could be more beautiful than to enable our children to understand a jewel of French-language literature? If they understand it in their mother tongue, they will understand it in French’.It was with these words that Yvanna Doï, President of the Association Présence Kanak, welcomed the release of the book in the press.

In fact, it was the Association Présence Kanak, supported by the Saint Exupéry pour la Jeunesse foundation and in partnership with our foundation, that decided in June 2023 to have The Little Prince translated into Kanak languages.

The task appeared to be highly complex, as there are 28 Kanak languages and dialects.

We decided to publish The Little Prince in eight languages, representing the eight customary areas. Translations into Nengone, Drehu, Paicî, Ajïé and Xaracuu have been identified. At the time of publication of the first translation into Neugone, the Association was still working on choosing the language for the Hoot Ma Whaap, Drubea Kapumë and Iaai-Fagauvea areas.

The translators were deliberately chosen from within Kanak civil society. Many speakers and teachers, such as Germaine Nemia Bishop, who did the very first translation into Nengone, are highly competent. The aim of the Association Présence Kanak is to demonstrate that Kanak languages are once again spoken, used and mastered by Kanak civil society itself.

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